uterine artery中文什么意思

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  1. Uterine artery forceps
  2. During the second procedure , 15 patients had two patent uterine arteries and were treated with bilateral uae
    在第二期过程中, 15个病人有两个增长的子宫动脉,并且用两测子宫动脉栓塞。
  3. The purpose of this study was to compare the 2 years ' efficiency of uterine artery embolization ( uae ) with hysterectomy in the treatment of menorrhagia caused by uterine fibroids in a randomized controlled trial
    目的:本次研究的目的是通过随机对照实验比较子宫动脉栓塞( uae )及子宫切除在治疗由子宫肌瘤引起的月经过多的2年有效率的高低。
  4. Uteroplacental apoplexy can ' t be seen totally as the indication of hysterectomy , but should apply bilateral ligation of the ascendant branch of uterine arteries or pack the womb with iodoform gauze strip first
  5. Results : hemorrhagic shock was in 18 cases , reduced coagulation in 8 cases , acute renal failure in 5 cases , none amniotic fluid embolism , uteroplacental apoplexy in 26 cases , perinatal death in 33 cases , none pregnant woman dead , cesarean section in 49 cases , 15 cases were performed bilateral ligation of the ascendant branch of uterine arteries from 26 cases of uteroplacental apoplexy , 9 cases were packed the womb with iodoform gauze strip , subtotal hysterectomy in 2 cases , vaginal delivery in 9 cases , application of vacuum extractor in 5 cases , breech extraction in 2 cases , nature birth in 2 cases


  1. a branch of the internal iliac artery that supplies the uterus and the upper part of the vagina
    同义词:arteria uterina


  1. uterine amenorrhea 什么意思
  2. uterine anteversion 什么意思
  3. uterine apoplexy 什么意思
  4. uterine appendages 什么意思
  5. uterine applicator 什么意思
  6. uterine artery embolisation 什么意思
  7. uterine artery forceps 什么意思
  8. uterine artery rupture 什么意思
  9. uterine aspiration 什么意思
  10. uterine atonia 什么意思


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